Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Happy 40th Anniversary

I Love Sesame Street and because they are celebrating their 40th Anniversary I decided to put up my absolute favorite videos.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Cute or Whatever

So I heart Rihanna, as you all may know. I aprove of this song not only because I dig the concept but I see the growth in her vocal skills. I really wish that this time around she gives us more choreography. I know its in you RiRi... I Say its CUTE...What do you think?

Monday, October 19, 2009

Cute or Whatever

SO if You really wanna dance, I will let you in my tight pants..

Monday, September 21, 2009

I Confess: I heart Whitney

This video just made me feel a little better. I see how happy this lady is in this damn video, just put the biggest small on my face. I just kind of wish that someone can make me feel like a million dollars, or just give it to me..

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I Confess: A Mess

I am wondering if there are any requirements to be on a reality show, or what criteria’s constitutes a television star. I am a big fan of the popular shows that’s out, and by far my favorite network is Bravo, but I am really fed up with the stupidity. Not the stupidity of what goes on during the show, because that’s just pure entertainment, but I am frustrated with those who get their 20 min of fame and then think they deserve to be treated like royalty. I am basing this post off some personal experiences, one with a young lady who was the winner of Flavor of Love and most recently a young lady from For the Love of Ray J.

Take for instance, Tasteless, she was the winner of Flavor of Love and from D. Detroit produces great talent might I add. Ms Tasteless, who is currently the host of an underground dance show on a local cable network in Detroit has the audacity to want damn near 10 grand for a cameo for a local charity event. The only thing I think saved her image was that rump shaker, and I’m not talking about that tacky song and video she had out. Not to mention her jean line, apple bottom's cousin.

Now lets evaluate, Muskatel from I love Ray J. Boy is she the cheapest of all drinks. I recently had my interaction with her, at my job. She came in to prepare for an upcoming event. My boss politely asked me to record and interview her; I originally told him no, because she never stood out to me, well since it was for my job, I told myself to “Take one for the team.” As I attempt to set up the camera, Muskatel asked me what was I doing, and how she didn’t approve of it. Her reasoning was she didn’t want any photos or videos of her floating around the Internet. I laughed, but understood were she was coming from, if she was a major celebrity. While leaving the room where she stood I told her, how I really didn’t want to interview her and didn’t know who she was until now. By the end of my shift, I had a new job. She told my boss to ask me if I would be interested in being her personal assistant. Just think me a personal assistant to a reality star who didn’t even make it to the end, how rude. They say she has a new reality show coming out, I hope they call it “ A Shot of This Cheap Shit.

Monday, August 31, 2009

I Confess: Extreme Couture

Rihanna for Italian Vogue "Extreme Couture" Sept 2009