Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Happy 40th Anniversary

I Love Sesame Street and because they are celebrating their 40th Anniversary I decided to put up my absolute favorite videos.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Cute or Whatever

So I heart Rihanna, as you all may know. I aprove of this song not only because I dig the concept but I see the growth in her vocal skills. I really wish that this time around she gives us more choreography. I know its in you RiRi... I Say its CUTE...What do you think?

Monday, October 19, 2009

Cute or Whatever

SO if You really wanna dance, I will let you in my tight pants..

Monday, September 21, 2009

I Confess: I heart Whitney

This video just made me feel a little better. I see how happy this lady is in this damn video, just put the biggest small on my face. I just kind of wish that someone can make me feel like a million dollars, or just give it to me..

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I Confess: A Mess

I am wondering if there are any requirements to be on a reality show, or what criteria’s constitutes a television star. I am a big fan of the popular shows that’s out, and by far my favorite network is Bravo, but I am really fed up with the stupidity. Not the stupidity of what goes on during the show, because that’s just pure entertainment, but I am frustrated with those who get their 20 min of fame and then think they deserve to be treated like royalty. I am basing this post off some personal experiences, one with a young lady who was the winner of Flavor of Love and most recently a young lady from For the Love of Ray J.

Take for instance, Tasteless, she was the winner of Flavor of Love and from D. Detroit produces great talent might I add. Ms Tasteless, who is currently the host of an underground dance show on a local cable network in Detroit has the audacity to want damn near 10 grand for a cameo for a local charity event. The only thing I think saved her image was that rump shaker, and I’m not talking about that tacky song and video she had out. Not to mention her jean line, apple bottom's cousin.

Now lets evaluate, Muskatel from I love Ray J. Boy is she the cheapest of all drinks. I recently had my interaction with her, at my job. She came in to prepare for an upcoming event. My boss politely asked me to record and interview her; I originally told him no, because she never stood out to me, well since it was for my job, I told myself to “Take one for the team.” As I attempt to set up the camera, Muskatel asked me what was I doing, and how she didn’t approve of it. Her reasoning was she didn’t want any photos or videos of her floating around the Internet. I laughed, but understood were she was coming from, if she was a major celebrity. While leaving the room where she stood I told her, how I really didn’t want to interview her and didn’t know who she was until now. By the end of my shift, I had a new job. She told my boss to ask me if I would be interested in being her personal assistant. Just think me a personal assistant to a reality star who didn’t even make it to the end, how rude. They say she has a new reality show coming out, I hope they call it “ A Shot of This Cheap Shit.

Monday, August 31, 2009

I Confess: Extreme Couture

Rihanna for Italian Vogue "Extreme Couture" Sept 2009

Monday, August 24, 2009

Painted In Black

Chanel Iman

Dominique Hollington

Salieu Jalloh

Jessica White

These are just a few photos of African American models that are now being seen everywhere. I actually have a crush on one....LOL

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Dear Diary: I'm Over It

I am losing it here. Have you ever wanted something so much that you can taste it, well that’s where I am now. I have dreams and visions that something big awaits me. Being confine to a desk from 10-6, is not what I consider to be sanity. Please send a sign of what to do next. A change is what I desire; I just can’t grasp the concept of people staying in situation out of comfort. I guess I fit the stereotype of a Gemini, I hate confinement, I hate being bored, I hate feeling powerless. Honestly when the desire and passion fades away that’s a sign that Dane has to move on. If you are reading this and know anything about my personality, when I become lack luster just know I am looking for a new situation.


Friday, August 14, 2009

Warning: 081809

This is a warning for all you R&B and Jazz fans out there, Ledisi album will be in stores on the 18th. If you like music that put you in the mood, makes you feel good deep down in your soul, I urge you go out and get it. I know I will.

Under the Radar: Miley Cyrus

Guess who's been added to the 3GB (Good Girl Gone Bad) Club, non other than the great, Miley Cyrus.

It seems as if preserving your innocence is a theme of the past. The pg13 Disney star has went straight to rated R over night, from her racy shoot with Vanity Fair to the posting of her semi nude photos. The 2009 strip tease performance at the Teen Choice Awards was my favorite. If i was a teenage boy, I would probably had, well nvm. She even have hip hop rappers writing about her in their lyrics, I wondering if she would ever holler at LIL Wayne.

I am totally an advocate for this movement of self finding, but slow it down Miley GEESH.
It took Britney and Lindsey some years.

But Hey "It aint tricking if you got it".

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Dear Diary: 15 Please

So as I sit in the office with the lovely @Nikkiddy and listen to her story of the bootcamp from hell. I realize that I am getting a little meaty. I mean there is nothing wrong with the extra cushion but I want that ideal body.
People may laugh and think I'm crazy, but I do have this issue with weight. I have that fat kid syndrome, growing up extremely husky (lol). If Jenny Jones was still around I would have been a good candidate for the typical transformation story. Just ask my bestfriend @greateclectic, just recently on his Detroit visit he bore witness to some embarrassing childhood photos. I am glad time has changed. lol

I can't wait to move into my new place in Buckhead so I can utilize the 24 hrs gym facility.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I Confess: YES!!!

Ok its no secret at all that I Dane Young am in love with a beautiful stranger. I so freaking heart Rihanna its ridiculous. Ok my dream is to become a celebrity publicist, I want to work hard and party harder. When I was cruising my favorite spot to get information, I came across a cute photo of my BOO'Head RIRI. I had to see more, so I found out that this past weekend was her publicist bday. Lets just say they partied down at the chic eco-friendly nightclub in Soho called Greenhouse. How freaking cool, this is how I am going to be soon with the raising star Corinne Stevie aka

ITS V Day.

So I just wanted to give you guys an inside look of what to expect from, my boohead. She is a beast, and performs down..

HELLO is this Thing ON!!!!!!

There is nothing that bothers me more than people looking down on my city. Ironically I talk mad junk about the place that birthed the automotive industry, the place that housed our greatest black entertainers, and a city that celebrates champions. You may say all of this is true but “OLD NEWS.

I do agree that, Detroit is doing a downward spiral to the abyss. But we are not trying to push for a change needed to at least hit an equilibrium; there are no strong leaders to be an example for the produce (youth) of Detroit. How do we wake up a community that’s been sleeping apparently for years on in? Why isn’t the media highlighting the positivity that arrives from the subcultures of the metropolitan areas? Why aren't the wealthy Americans, born and rise in Detroit, giving back (i.e Madonna)?

PEOPLE OF DETROIT WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!!!! We are starting to look seriously bad.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Dear Diary:

Today is now August 10, 2009 and I am so fucking frustrated with myself. The question is why am I settling for less. I am not satisfied with the way things are going with my career path. I should be making sooo much more right now. I feel as if people are taking advantage of what they don’t have or can’t do, and that’s me. Maybe I am easily persuaded and gullible. How do I become this big time publicist, if I am allowing my talents to go to waste? Ughhhhh, something has to give, its time for me to stop acting soft and stand up for what is best for me. Life waits for no one, and I be damn if I get left. Dreams are things hoped for and goals are things that you obtain, so no dreaming for me tonight.




Monday, August 10, 2009

Under the Radar: Ms. Amber Rose

So, I know I am kind of late but I am intrigue by this mystical creature. Just this past week I developed a great interest in Amber Rose, the latest addition to the list of adult entertainers who find themselves in the bright lights of HOLLYWOOD.

For those who don't know, Amber Rose is an individual who received her stardom doing music videos, and posing semi nude for different urban publications. All in which happened recently, so who is this GIRL? why is there no information out on her? and why is she a Ford Model?....Ughhh I am determine to get to the bottom of this, or maybe not lol.

Ok I figured it all out, Amber Rose is an android. She is the face of Svedka Vodka who wanted nothing more but to be human. She came across the genius Kanye West who paid for her transformation and from then on out they have been an item. Damn this could be like a true I guess you can say Kanye has been kissed by a rose.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Raw and Uncut...

Yo so good music always get to

I am writing this post as I sit on the floor of my bedroom, chilling from a long day of work. I think its just one of those type of nights where, I feel like doing something but don't have a clue on what to do. So i decided to blog, I am horrible at this by the way. I want my blog to stand out from those who are doing the same thing. So how do I declare my individuality from the masses? So how do I reach an audience that's considered to be my peers and are heavily influenced by the media, or more so the drama of reality tv.

I figured it out, "I WILL JUST BE ME" raw and uncut.

I am going to give you true reality no script no format, as a good friend of mine said in her lyrics "its just a day in the life."

Reality is I am a recent college graduate from Clark Atlanta University, that is trying to break into the entertainment industry as a publicist. I refuse to conform to the norms of the corporate world and so far I have three strikes against me.

3. and I am ?...... O

SO Bravo, MTV, BET, LIFE TIME or whatever network that's out there, you want reality I am going to give you a show.

Now how do you like this premiere: DOPE'Rah The Making of a Mogul

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Masquerade Party

So these are photos from our second party series known as Young Fresh & Nouveau. We are really getting the hang of hosting creative, and over the top parties. We were even featured and noted in the New York Times as trendsetters that are bring back the whole underground scene movement.

V Session : Vibe Mag

This was an interesting night we were mad late and could not find parking anywhere (for free). I actually had the opportunity to meet everyone which was cool. Kenny Burn, a guy in the industry that I too look up to, called me vain. Do you guys think I am vain?
Performances were cool, Young LA stood out to me the most, he has an interesting persona but everything stills need to be fine tuned.
Teairra Mari on the other hand is a different story, can you say new publicist.