Saturday, January 10, 2009


1) Well first off, if you are my true friend you would already know that Dane is not my first name but my middle one.
2) I was in school for law but thanks to MTV's PoweR girls: I am now studying public relations
3) I am not rude but just blind, so I am saying sorry to those who I don't speak to off of first glance, a nigga just can't see.
4) Wonder why I always have on BLACK? well damn you're nosey....BLACK's my favorite....
5) Diddy and Oprah can do no wrong in my eyes, so here's looking at you.
6) I have 3 best friends and I can't wait until we are all in one setting, thats going to be one crazy nite, * I'm the life of the party*.
7) My mood and feelings changes just as fast as the hands on a clock goes around, lets just say I am a true Gemini.
8) I love the word: LATE!, lol soooo for 09 we are saying no LATE*ASS*NESS.
9) I enjoy cooking and being in my undies: so I cook in my undies, HOLLA!!!!!!!!
10) My mom was told she was having a girl by the doctor and boy was she surprised.
11) I have a fear of falling! especially in a public place.
12) I am really shy and get nervous, so I don't talk much.
13) I have one facial expression but that face says it all....
14) I am the baby, mama's boy and most of the time the favorite: SO its my way or no way!
15) I can't stand people and mainly the ghetto people from ATLANTA.
16) # 16 should be in the top 3, I hate being called the P word.....ugh being called Pretty makes me wanna SLAP a hoe.....

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