Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Dear Diary #2: New Beginnings

You never know your strength until you have been through something, this is a statement that I truly believe in. My week started off rough, I received bad news that a terrible accident has taken place back home in my city, Detroit. Yes you may say, duh Doperah!!! when does anything positive happen in the dirty glove, especially when there is mainstream coverage of Detroit's mayor being taken to jail, thats a whole different story of its own. Anyways to make a story short my big brother was shot in his chest and the bullet barely missed his heart. We are thankful for new beginnings, he survived with a collapse lung and broken ribs but the main triumph is that he is able to live and be a father to his baby girl, who is bad ass hell might i add.

2009 is a year of opportunities, changes and new beginnings.
1) College Graduation
2) HOP Models and Talent Agency
3) Nouveau Media : Art Nouveau Magazine and Nouveau Media
4) I am even doing a lil singing ( Hollaaaaa......)

Check out 2 videos of a shoot wit model Olivia from HOP

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